Mission Trips and Events


What We Do

​We compassionately connect ​people in need with hope, help, and healing both internationally and locally.

Mission Trips & Events

We connect isolated communities with hope, help, & healing.

Backpack Program

Each child that comes through a clinic is cared for and loved.

Unreached People

We partner with others to complete the great task.

SOAR! Events

Empowering youth with special needs to SOAR!

Youth Programs

We inspire the next generation for community impact.

Patient Transport

We connect medical patients with critical long distance care.

people served

total flights


Upcoming Events

Who We Are

We believe that God uniquely and unconditionally loves each person, no matter their background, and further desires to adopt us into His family as passionately loved sons and daughters. We believe that God weeps with those that weep, and deeply cares about the poor, the marginalized, and those who are isolated without access to basic resources. It is this conviction that compels our desire to be multiple expressions of His love on the earth. As such, we serve on a “need basis” to the extent of our capacities and perform all services free of charge, obligation, or discrimination. Our volunteers also share a variety of backgrounds and perspectives and we are unified by our shared desire to love and serve people in great need. Unity with diversity is one of our unique strengths as an organization.

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Connect • Grow • Impact The World


Mission Flight is seeking Christ-Centered adults desiring to serve through our ministries in a capacity that parallels their unique skill sets, passions, and visions. We are seeking college students, graduate students, and adults of all ages who are eager to learn and grow.

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Get In Touch

MISSION FLIGHT operates under FAA Part-91 Aviation regulations. Our pilots are current, competent, and volunteer their time; they do not receive compensation for their flights. MISSION FLIGHT is a Christian Public Benefit 501(c)(3) aviation non-profit organization (EIN 81-4446312). Our headquarters are at San Gabriel Valley Airport (KEMT). Mailing Address: 4233 Santa Anita Ave, #2, El Monte, CA 91731. Mission Flight Donor Privacy Policy.











